How to Ho’opononpono

Last year I holidayed in Hawaii. I had been called to visit there for many years and in 2015 after a series of personally challenging experiences, I decided that it was as good a time as any to answer the call.

The thing that struck me like a bowling ball between the eyes was the love (or the aloha as Hawaiians call it). It envelops you. You can feel it in the air, in the smiles and the eyes of the local people, in the lush green surrounds. The mana or energy of heart and mind seeps into your very being…..and the magic begins.

Long before my amazing trip to Hawaii I was introduced to the healing practice of Ho’oponopono and again, upon learning about it I felt a deep connection to love. It  embodied a gentle compassionate way of allowing deep feelings to be released without harshness or blame.

Ho’oponopono is an ancient teaching that is loosely translated as “making right right.” It is connected to acceptance and revolves around the notion that you enter the world “right”- that everything is exactly how it should be.

Ho’oponopono was embraced by western culture. Over time it evolved from the traditional practice of acceptance to one of forgiveness. The concept of forgiveness can evoke many emotions. A misconception about forgiveness is that it condones the hurtful and damaging behaviour of another person. However, forgiveness is a gift to the forgiver not the forgiven. It allows us to free ourselves of any toxic emotions towards another person. Transforming the harmful effects of toxic emotions allows us to switch our focus from fear to love.

Forgiveness can make way for profound healing to occur. Elizabeth Dialto describes the Ho’oponopono as “one of the most effective healing tools.” It allows cleansing of thoughts, deeds or actions and freedom from our past.

Here is how to Ho’oponopono:

1. Focus on a person or situation that has impacted you which you are holding on to or having trouble letting go of

2. Write down the names of each person from the memory including yourself

3. Tune into the memory, note down the emotional charge you feel. Score it out of ten

4. For each person in the memory (including yourself) complete the following:

                      I forgive you ….

                      I’m sorry …..

                      I love you

                      Thank you …..

5. Then, let it go. Cross out all that you have written in pen. Tear it and burn it.

6. After the practice, check in again. What is the emotional charge out of ten? Is it the same? Has it lessened? Has it disappeared? This will help you to gauge future  applications of the practise.

For me personally, the Ho’oponopono practise has assisted me with self-forgiveness. It has allowed me to release feelings of shame, guilt, fear and expectation. It has also made way for a greater understanding of myself, ie: why I am the way I am and that it’s ok.

Here is an example of my self-forgiveness Ho’opononpono:

I forgive you for not speaking up for yourself.

I’m sorry that you don’t feel important enough to be heard.

I love you, I love you, I love you

Thank you for being aware of your feelings & recognising that your needs important.

I invite you to try it for yourself. Be mindful that this practise is a process. You may need to do it more than once as some hurts may take time to heal and that’s ok. Give yourself the time to pass through it. It’s also worth remembering that the traditional essence of the practise calls for acceptance.

And, love…….because it’s all about the love. The aloha. Allow it to seep into your mana and embody the magic this process can bring into you life.

Michelle Pietroboni 2Michelle Pietroboni is an Early Childhood teacher who currently works in an emotional healing capacity with young parents. She is passionate about living a joy-full and nourished life. She has engaged in a variety of modalities through her own healing journey including art therapy and communicating with the Angelic Realm. She offers intuitive messages from Source and creates love infused artwork through her business Love Crush Joy Bliss.

Michelle facilitates creative playshops using the healing properties of art to lift life blocks and support positive change, you can connect via websiteFacebook or if you are looking for reading and playshop bookings, please email Michelle at