Life Is All About The Experience

Many people hold the belief that we all have a soul or life contract, that before you come into this world you have already agreed to achieve certain outcomes in this life.

This may range from the many experiences of Love, Compassion and Courage and can lead to certain experiences such as loss, a broken heart or betrayal; to growing compassion to yourself, your family, friends and animals and to build the courage to survive difficult situations that life may present.

All of these have a purpose, and are written or ordained into a soul or life contract.

This belief system allows for much freedom and scope of understanding, why certain people may come into your life and in an instant there is a connection.

These are the people that will play a role in your life, whatever the time frame. These people could remain in your life until you pass to the next life. They could also come and be gone in a fleeting time frame, hours/days/weeks/months. This time frame has been set prior to your arrival here on the earthly plane. This is all part of your Soul’s contract.

Broken down into the three categories, it could be explained as:

LOVE is the element we are all here to experience. This is what our entire earthly experience is all about. Know that there are many types of love.  Romantic love is only one type, there is also friendship, family, nature, appreciation of those around you and people that may need our support, to name but a few.

COMPASSION is a feeling that is truly necessary for our life. Compassion for Self is imperative. In today’s world one tends to beat Self up over every little thing, our actions, our relationships, our careers, without cutting yourself slack. One tends to demand too much of Self without actually allowing Self the luxury of compassion.

With compassion for another, you are always able to see the story from a different perspective, and putting yourself in another’s shoes can open the heart and give the beautiful gift of compassion.

COURAGE to survive in very dire personal experiences. Remember we have all set out many experiences for spiritual growth.

Think about your life. What do you feel that you have achieved as a major achievement? Food for thought! Now realise that you have also contracted to take into account your minor achievements and trivial achievements. It all adds up to a Life Time, this life time and your experience in it.


Kathleen GoodwinKathleen is a very experienced high vibrational clear pure Intuitive Channel, Medium, Aura Seer, and Tarot Reader  who gives you the messages from your Guardian Angel, Guides, Angels and Loved Ones.

She practices high vibrational Energy Healing with certificates in Pranic Healing, Crystal Healing, Star Being Shakti Healing, Driana Tibetan Spiritual Energy Healing using hand held crystal bowl sound vibration healing to help you to glow with your inner peace.

Kathleen will help you to realise just how much you have achieved to this point in your life, and is hosting a workshop “Find Your True Life’s Path & Purpose” on June, find out more details on her website.