Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful ~ Norman Vincent Peale

I’m sure you’ve already heard the Christmas carols chiming in the supermarkets and noticed the bustle begin, as we all change pace and start preparing for this wonderful time of the year! Everything begins to light up and sparkle as we immerse ourselves in the holiday cheer.

School concerts, final meetings and Christmas parties all remind us that the year is coming to a close and a new chapter is just around the corner. However, like most of us, I tend to get caught up in this bustle and forget to take time out and really reflect on the year that was.

Let’s do that right now!

Close your eyes, take 3 deep slow breaths all the way down into your belly and take a few minutes out to reflect on a couple of these points. You may even want to write some things down.

  • What were the 3 defining moments of 2015 and why?
  • Is there anything you are holding onto that you would like to leave behind before you step into 2016? If so, make a conscious decision in this moment to hand it over and let it go.
  • Take a moment to feel a deep sense of gratitude for all the people who crossed your path this year.
  • What was the funniest moment of the year or the moment when you remember laughing the most?
  • If 2015 imparted 2 nuggets of wisdom on you, what would they be?

Allow this gratitude, laughter and wisdom to really settle within you. Let it to lead you through this festive season and remind you what a gift this year has been.

Take a moment to capture all the things 2015 has given to you, and that you are truly grateful for – a gratitude list. Breathe in 2015, and all it brought you and then read and offer this Christmas blessing to yourself.

A Christmas Blessing

“This year, may you feel the essence of Christmas softening your heart.

May you feel the spirit of Christmas bouncing gently between your family and friends.

May others see the sparkle of Christmas in your eyes, as you light up the table with joy.

May the food that Christmas brings, be deeply nourishing for you.

And may you dance with the energy of Christmas throughout the New Year”

Happy New Year!

Personally, I’m not a huge fan of setting goals and New Year’s resolutions. Not because I don’t think they are important, but because I prefer to live in the moment and keep myself open to all the miraculous possibilities that can emerge from the ‘unknown’. What I do like, is setting an intention at the beginning of each year. It is usually 2 or 3 lines that anchor my intention to live from my heart, to be a channel for peace and healing, to express the best version of myself or whatever the case may be.

In addition to that intention, I usually feel into the energy of the year ahead and see which words come to mind. At the beginning of this year, the following came up for me: 2015, the year of…

  • Prosperity
  • Passion
  • Peace
  • People
  • Play

These 5 words set an underlying energy for me that colours my decisions, my time allocation and the way that I go about my business.

So what comes up for you when you tune into 2016?

What dreams would you like to fulfill? What kind of experiences would you like to open yourself to? What kind of energy would you like to hold as the clock ticks over to midnight? What needs to occur internally for this to be your best year yet and what would your New Year look like if you opened yourself to limitless potential?

On behalf of the Gratitude Team, I would like to wish you a very wholesome, joyful and fulfilling 2016. May you bring your most authentic and unburdened self into the world, to adventure, to play and to live a life of gratitude!

JeannineJeannine is an energetic/quantum healer, holistic counsellor and author who practices on the Central Coast, NSW.

For questions, appointments or further information about The Beauty Evolution book, please feel free to browse my website or email me directly on