Mindfulness for Earth Angels

A couple of years ago I read a book that completely changed my life and helped me to understand for the first time clearly, who I am and why I have always behaved the way I do.

A book by Doreen Virtue, who writes and creates many books and Oracle Cards all about Angels. The book “Assertiveness For Earth Angels” was such an “aha” moment for me and has been a huge influence in my business. It has taught me the essential things to be mindful of, being an Earth Angel.

So what is an Earth Angel?

Earth Angel is a term used to describe people who:

  1. Feel a deep need to help, fix and rescue people and animals here on earth.
  2. Are highly sensitive to people’s emotions, harsh environments, chemicals, toxins, negative people, fighting, arguing and conflict.
  3. Are “conflict phobic” and avoid confrontation. They are the peace keepers of the world and just want everyone to be happy.
  4. Are very good at sacrificing their own needs for others, struggle a lot with boundaries and saying “No” to people, without feeling guilty or selfish.
  5. See the best in others, their hidden potential and can be overly trusting.
  6. Attract a lot of friends, family and co dependent relationships. People that often struggle with depression, addictions and life.
  7. Are often taken advantage of by those who use their “niceness” and generosity for their own gain.
  8. Are very empathic and feel other people’s sadness and emotions very strongly. If anyone they love is unhappy they become upset too and feel a huge responsibility to make them happy. Their happiness depends on others being happy, which can be a hard, long road.

But Earth Angel’s biggest lessons to learn, is to value self love and self care. How to put up boundaries, without feeling selfish, stop being an enabler and be lovingly confident and assertive with their own needs and feelings.

Their desire to give, help, rescue and see others happy can get way out of balance and over time it can really drain their energy, health, happiness and abundance, leave them feeling stuck, overwhelmed, frustrated and resentful.

The top 5 things Earth Angels need to be mindful of:

  1. Is your “giving and receiving” in balance?
  1. Energy levels: Do you struggle with constant fatigue? Find it hard to slow down, relax and switch off. Often crave coffee, sugar, processed foods for a pick me up or to feel good?
  1. Say “Yes” when you mean yes and “No” when you mean no.
  1. Do you often feel underlying frustration and resentment toward people for not changing their ways or helping out more?
  1. Health Issues: Are you developing some serious health conditions from your energy imbalances? Issues such as adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue and burnout (from self sacrifice), weight gain (from trying to protect yourself with body fat), throat and thyroid issues (fear of speaking up), breast issues and hormone imbalances (from nursing everyone til your drained).

Being mindful of the underlying reason that drives an Earth Angel to do the things they do is a very important step. Is it out of fear or love. Are you enabling or empowering? Are you self sacrificing or valuing your own needs and making them a priority.

Awareness and knowledge is the first step to practicing mindfulness. Learning how to value slowing down, tuning into your own body and inner guidance system, be mindful of how much energy you are giving out to the world and how much you are allowing yourself to receive.

It takes daily practice and it is essential to develop a self care tool kit of things that you love to do, that makes you feel good and fills your fuel tank.

To fulfill your mission here on earth as an Earth Angel its essential that you keep your energy and happiness topped up and abundant. To break that co-dependent habit and be a role model for self love, self care and listening to your own inner guidance and messages of love and support from spirit.

Self love and self care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.


Alison FilihiaAlison Filihia is a professional holistic kinesiologist, intuitive reader, spirit messenger and self proclaimed Earth Angel. Her business Let Love Bloom is located on the beautiful Central Coast, Australia. Through her own journey with chronic fatigue, self sacrifice and dealing with a loved one’s addiction problems, she learned that self love and self care was not a luxury, but a necessity.

She credits her journey back to health and wellbeing to spirit, who in her darkest days, gave her the ever loving and supportive guidance and opportunities to heal and grow. Alison now uses a range of modalities to help her clients dissolve any blocks to healing their body, mind and spirit, restore balance, self love and inner peace.

Visit her website to book an appointment in person, via skype or to read her blog articles to help you Bloom. You can also contact her by phone on 0404547769 or visit her facebook: Let Love Bloom