Mindfulness for Manifesting Abundance

Manifesting is the buzzword in the metaphysical community lately, it has been for a while now. We humans are at that stage of our spiritual evolution where we’re still very enamoured with manifesting material comforts and abundance for us using the metaphysical principals and laws.

In this article, I want to take a little diversion into how mindfulness techniques can accelerate manifesting.

The real purpose of meditation

Meditation is the most well-known mindfulness practice. When we hear the word ‘meditation’, the image that comes to mind for most is a person sitting cross-legged on the floor, eyes closed, hands in a Mudra, doing their best to force any and all thoughts out of their head. However, that image is a stereotype. This is one way of meditating however, not the only way. In my opinion, there are as many ways of meditation as there are beings on this planet. When it comes to meditation, I believe, rather than asking “how should I do it?”, we would be better off to ask “how do I want to be feeling when I meditate?”

The real purpose of meditation is to reach a place of non-judgemental observation. Observation of myself, my thoughts, my behaviours, my surroundings etc. without placing any labels of judgement on them. When there is no judgement, when I simply am the way I am, I connect to the Universal stillness, the Source.


How meditation supports manifesting

When I connect with the Source, when I am in a still space of nothingness, that moment opens up infinite possibilities to be manifest. There is no ego or judgement sending energetic signals out into the Universe that this is possible and that isn’t. I effectively remove myself from the path of manifestation and hence, make the process smoother and better. The Universe now brings to me the possibility that is for my highest good.

In today’s day and age, when we talk about manifesting something, we take a very active (and sometimes, aggressive) or Yang approach. Create vision boards, repeat affirmations, practice visualisation, keep telling the Universe, “This is what I want and how I want it and this is when it needs to happen!” Of course, that is one part of the equation. Once I have sent out the energy of what I want to manifest, I then need to create a space for the Universe to bring that or better to me. Most of us forget this second part of the equation. And this is where mindfulness practice or a daily spiritual practice can support us.


Gratitude is also mindfulness

The energetic vibration of the feeling of gratitude is very high. Feeling gratitude for what I already have opens up the floodgates of more abundance to flow in. What we do not realise about gratitude is that it is also a mindfulness practice. To feel gratitude, I need to become aware of all that is working for me in this moment. When I feel gratitude, that energy is then matched by the Universe by giving me experiences which make me feel the same feeling again! This is exactly why, gratitude is another way to manifest better and faster.

Take some time each day to meditate and feel grateful and see the manifesting miracles that you co-create with the Universe!

Radhika, a scientist-turned-holistic-wellness-professional and Founding Director of Radiance Holistic Wellness, is offering a brand new online course – Mindfulness Techniques for Manifesting – launching on 30th May.

To watch her pre-launch free video series, click here : http://radiance-holistic.com.au/mtm-preview/