Abundance Through Our Nourishment

When I walk into a fruit and vegetable shop or a grocery store I am struck by the variety of choices we have to fill our stomachs. Because of the abundance of choice and the continual supply of food most people are removed from the natural cycles of Mother Nature.

Cherries are a summer fruit. Why are they in the shops in June?

We have also lost touch with how our food grows, the soil required, the rain and the sun. That sometimes the conditions are not favourable and so the crop produced is small or worse is completely destroyed.

We are blessed that we do not have to worry about when and where our next meal is coming from. Yet in this blessing we now take food for granted. Let us see if we can bring back gratitude into the very physical act of eating and nourish our bodies more completely.

So how can we do this?

Firstly recognise and be grateful for the abundance of food with in your own life.

When preparing a meal imagine the journey each item took to get to your kitchen. e.g The carrot seed being planted. The sun, wind, rain and moon that nourished the seed as it grew in the soil. The person who tended the carrots and then harvested them. Who transported the carrots from the farm? Where did you buy the carrots? Was it a fruit and veg shop, a farmers market or did you grown it yourself? What have you decided to prepare with the carrot?

Did you know that how the dish is prepared will also affect how it nourishes you?

Imagine a person who is angry or upset as they prepare your food. This angry/upset energy is being transferred into the dish.How do you think you would feel after eating this dish. Now image the same dish is prepared in a peaceful kitchen. How different would this dish be? I’m sure you can think of one person, like your Mum or a Grandparent, who has the most amazing dish that only they can prepare. How much love do you think goes into this dish each time they prepare it for you?

We are now at the table and the dish is before us. Before we start to ‘fill the hole’ in our stomach, stop for a moment and give thanks. This could be in the form of a prayer, it could be expressing your gratitude for the food before you or it can be acknowledging everyone who has been involved in bringing the food together.

By seeing your food in this way it becomes more than something to quickly consume, to fill a hole, so we can get on with more exciting or important things. It becomes an experience of abundance.


Vicki is fascinated by the healing ability of the body and passionate about health. Her mission is to educate, facilitate, inspire and empower women to unlock their joy and passion through connecting with themselves, raw food and being present so they can create a sweet and abundant life. 

Vicki is a qualified Health Coach, Kinesiologist, Raw Food Teacher and owner of Inspired Change and loves spending time in the kitchen creating sensational raw treats.

Vicki runs raw food or no cooking workshops introducing the benefits of raw food and how easy it is to incorporate it into your life style. Vicki loves sharing her passion for whole foods and coaching people on their journey towards health and well-being.