Pressing Play On The Present in 2017

What could be different if you allowed yourself to live energetically and vibrantly radioactive by pressing play on the present in 2017???

Even if its just for a moment …..

As I woke on the first day of this New Year, I could hear one of my most favourite songs playing … Radioactive, by Imagine Dragon. It was the most magical way to welcome in 2017 as I truly feel this song represents many of our missions on this earth at this time.

Its about waking up, stepping off the prison bus of complacency and normalcy, and living radioactive by welcoming in a new age as we press play on our dreams and unique creative purpose … filling our life with the levels of energy, liberation, freedom, passion, empowerment, happiness and LOVE, greater than we could have ever imagined.

You see many of us were brought to believe that our unique gifts, and who we are is not enough. We were encouraged to get on a certain bus, to fit some artificial mould, to try really hard and to tick very specific (and often boring) boxes.

I’m guessing though if you are reading this today its because some of those boxes… no longer feel comfortable, and might even feel depressing. You see depression, very often, comes form the suppression and repression of our unique creativity, of who you were born to be. And so now that a part of you knows that the bus you’re on is heading in the wrong direction, it feels like it’s crushing your creative, passionate, enthusiastic, excitable, free spirited soul, which makes it even harder to stay on board.

Well this is what it was like for me!!!

That was until I chose to stop the bus and take a big leap of faith. To “become radioactive” in my own life by opening my heart, following my purpose, passion and dreams, and making it my mission to create the positive impact in the world I always knew was inside my heart.

To wake up though, we have to be willing to break the rules, break out of our comfort zone, break old habits and beliefs and break free from the bus we were put on as kids.

The first thing to break down or dissolve is this belief that you, and your life isn’t enough right now. Which can often be disguised as DISTRACTION, and cured through PRESENCE.

Sometimes the busyness of life’s distractions, get in the way of loving what is right now.

I often find the easiest place to begin to practice presence is in nature. When in nature my heart opens, I feel joy and I am reminded how nothing in nature has to TRY to become what it was born to be.

A seed slowly, gently, naturally grows to become a tree, a bird fly’s just as it was born to fly, a river of water flows in the direction it is guided and rocks, just remain stable, secure just as they were created to be.

So often we forget this for ourselves, and TRY to force life, with busyness and distractions. We allow our crazy busy mind to take us out of the precious EXTRAordinary ordinary moments already occurring in our days. And we become focused and maybe even obsessed with what’s next, or what’s missing. These thoughts take us out of the present and we miss out on the pleasures and gratitude’s of life, right now.

So our challenge to you this new year, new month is to remind yourself that the greatest prize in your life is this very moment … And then schedule time daily to open your eyes, mind and heart to seeing what is already EXTRAordinary in your life???

Our mantra this week … “I give myself permission to be present, and in this presence I awaken the gift of my life and my soul.”

Our inspirational song … RadioActive, Imagine Dragon

Spotify Link / YouTube Link

I look forward to playfully extending our radioactive journey together at the upcoming Your Best Year Yet Conference in Blue Mountains and supporting you to manifest your greatest life in 2017. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO.

Till then, may you open your heart and mind to magical magnetic dreams being created in your life everyday.

Immense love, Kyla x