New Year Relationship Renovation!

Why, can we want an updated kitchen, new paint on the walls but when we would like a change in our intimate life and relationship it is like someone is WRONG! What if nobody is wrong and what if we all need a change, an update, a new lick of paint to keep ourselves invigorated, interested and in style.

Are we wrong for wanting an update, some fresh learning, some time just together. Who brings it up?

IF you are the one that brings it up is it then the other person who is wrong. If the other brings it up is it you who is wrong.

What if nobody was WRONG? Interesting concept I know!

As a Relationship and Sex Educator who specialises in relationships, it always interests me that when couples walk to me at a Festival or Expo, they look at each other and one says “we don’t need this” the other has to agree! Sometimes being dragged away by the hand……

How about a paradigm shift, we know we are good together, foundations are solid, communication is clear, the heart is full for each other and what they bring and we still would enjoy some time to ourselves to practice, to learn, to enjoy, to explore with each other, to celebrate our depth, joy, happiness and love.

What else could we learn? How could we have more pleasure? How could we grow as individuals and a couple? How many more orgasms could we each have? What are the latest techniques and practices?

In society we are taught not to have pleasure, we should be happy with what we have. We are made to feel bad for wanting more. Is it bad? What do you notice in your body as you read this sentence?

Where do you hold back pleasure, I invite you to write a list of the things that give you pleasure from the simplistic to the sophisticated (at least 10).

A cup of tea, sand between your toes, deep kissing and connected love making. Then over the next two weeks tick off how many of those things you did and how many times you did them, could be an insightful exercise……..

Where are the areas you are making do? Why do you need to make do? Why can you not have it all and more? Are you putting up with holes in your socks, the door that is squeaky or not quite hung correctly?

Those “pebbles” in our shoes may be ok for a short time but very quickly they become the things that irritate us and make us unhappy, closed, cranky and limit our well-being on all levels.

What if we moved beyond society and took our pleasure and relationships to the next level? What would the next level be for you?


Myola works with couples to enhance intimacy, pleasure and connection through developing skills and techniques. She will meet you where you are at, make a plan and move towards a juicier life and living. If you have had enough of mediocre, contact Myola today