Spring Cleaning And Inner Healing

Many of us have done the big spring clean, emptying our living spaces, offices and even cars of accumulated, unwanted stuff. Doesn’t it make you feel great?

Cleaning up our external environment is a great way to shift energy internally. It helps in dissolving physical and energetic clutter, allowing fresh growth. It’s one way to do some significant self-healing. When we feel great, we are happier and have so much more energy to have fun!

In the same way as decluttering the environment makes space for growth, so too does clearing our energetic bodies.

It can be easy to get caught up in the rituals of energy healing. The main thing is to have a clear intention for what you want to achieve.

Here are some simple things to support your self-healing and continued wellbeing:


Most people breathe very shallowly, just in the upper parts of the chest. This sends a signal to your body that you are under attack, starting a cascade of stress reactions throughout your body.

At least three times every day, take a few really deep breaths. This will expand your chest, help to relax your shoulders, help your body to relax and reconnect you to your body. It will also clear your mind.

To extend that exercise, consciously breathe in through your nose, drawing in energy from the Universe. Feel the breath filling your body, gathering up all the disharmony of the day. As you breathe out, feel your body being cleansed and renewed, ready to fill up with fresh new energy as you breathe in again.

Drink Water

Drink more clean water. Dehydration is one of the biggest factors affecting our health and can lead to many problems, including sleep deficit, obesity, depression and low energy.

You can boost the water you drink by infusing it with positive energy! Write beautiful words to place under your glass, play music or talk to it! Place your hand around your glass and put the intention of cleansing and recharging into the water before drinking.

Eat Clean Food

Think your eating. Clear out the heavier foods and consider a detox. Cut out alcohol (for a few weeks anyway). Eat lighter, cleaner food. Rest and reset your system before summer kicks in. Before you put something in your mouth, think about where it came from and who has grown, harvested, packaged and sold it to you and give thanks to them for the wonderful food you can eat.


Get moving. Go walking or cycling. Start a exercise class. Swim. Dance around your house. Go outside. Play with your chidren. Take up a new sport or re-join the gym. While exercising, practise gratitude for your amazing body. Consciously reconnect with your body and feel your muscles moving, your breathing, your sweat. Being in your body is amazingly grounding.


This is one of the very best ways to clear your mind and open space for more intuition and guidance from your guru self. There are so many ways to meditate. Try several before choosing one that is your favourite or mix them up.

Join a Circle

A women’s circle is a wonderful way to connect with others and to feel the power of group work. You will be supported and safe in a space where you can meet like-minded women and connect on a deep level. This is so nurturing and healing for yourself and everyone in the group.


Getting regular, solid nights’ sleep makes such a difference to how you feel, how you look, how much energy you have and how connected you are to your inner guidance.

Be Grateful

One of the simplest things you can do to increase your happiness is to be grateful. Be grateful for everything you can think of. Make gratitude a habit. You can journal about it, create affirmations or simply think about and acknowledge thanks for everything.

Do a Course!

To enhance your connection with the Universe, heal yourself and develop your intuition, dedicating time and energy into learning something new, or refreshing your knowledge can work wonders!

ShanShan works with others to help them reconnect with their intuition and take control of their health. As a remedial massage therapist and intuitive healer for over 23 years, Shan has knowledge, experience and skills to share to make your own healing faster, more effective and more fun.

Why not consider signing up for Shan’s new four-part course: Inner Healing for Outer Health. 

This short course is an introduction to your intuition. You will learn why you can rely on your intuition for the best guidance available and how to access it on demand.