The Secret Garden Of Abundance

“Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend…when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present——love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure——the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on earth” —Sarah Ban Breathnach

Last month I shared a rather dark period of my life, we all experience them once and awhile, the key I find is when I am in this space is to acknowledge, honour and to allow whatever is rising to emerge. If you are interested here is the recent article.

Bushwalk 1This month we are focussing on Abundance, and often I find this term becomes inter-changed with a more “acceptable” way to express “I want more…”, more money, more things, just more …and typically focussing on an external outcome that will then make us happy.

Although an increase in our finances, that new car, job, relationship, etc may be a goal for us,  I believe the true meaning of abundance goes beyond  just simply having or acquiring more money.

It’s all-encompassing and bigger than that. Abundance is a feeling. Abundance is a state of mind, and can be tapped into as soon as we allow it, it is a gratitude and an willingness to see the richness in every moment.  Abundance is love, and ultimately a choice.

So how does one choose to be aware of abundance?

I can only share from my own experience, when I feel out of alignment and not expressing abundance, it normally comes down to where I am – am I living my life through my head, and what I believe to be “correct” or am I in the present moment, enjoying what is and open to acknowledge all I currently have.

In a recent trip to the Blue Mountains, I decided to go for a bushwalk ( connecting with nature, through the bush, the ocean, or even my garden is a sure wayBushwalk2 for me to become aware of the now, I find my energy can shift quickly in a nurturing way).

The purpose of the trip was to connect with the energy of the Blue Mountains, to ask for a blessing for the upcoming festival and for Embrace Life in general in the year ahead, while honouring the ancient wisdom of our land and asking for their support.

As I walked down the path, and what felt like a million steps, each step become an analogy of my journey so far. Some where steep, others a bit rocky, there were times my husband James needed to hold my hand to navigate – ultimately each step taking me to where I needed to go.

A few times, I stopped, slightly hot, breathless and agitated as the sun streamed down on my head, and at that very instant a cool breeze would come through to give me relief, and I looked up to see the magnificent vista that surrounded me – wow! we do live in the lucky country.

Bushwalk6The stepping stones, and wonderful cave that arose as I reached the bottom was a true sanctuary, I could have lived there. As I breathed in the sense of calm that emulated from this hideaway,  it dawned on me for the first time in ages I was 100% in my body.

I was in the now. I was experiencing true abundance.

A peacefulness came in with every breathe, and my heart grew wider. It was here I asked for the support I had come from, and received an encompassing message throughout my whole body  of ” we are here for you, always”.

In this moment I felt like I had truly come home to myself. Acknowledging how strong I was, and at the same time vulnerable. How I could create and also be part of the whole. It is when we take a moment from the busy-ness (and believe me with a looming festival I had plenty other things to DO), that we can experience the essence of Abundance.

When the time had come to say my farewell, I asked for a sign. It came in the form of a native plant called Bushwalk8the Dianella Berry, it sounded familiar. So when I came home I realised it was the flower that Tribe of the Tree use in their flower essence Treasure Hunter.

Which offers the message:

“You are deeply worthy of abundance in all its forms. It gently makes you aware of the ways your attitudes, expectations and self-worth affect your feelings of abundance and opportunity, and helps you bring them into energetic alignment”

So here’s to a month of opening up and allowing yourself to experience how wonderfully abundant you are!