Stepping Through A “9-Year” Using Essential Oils

Are you experiencing a lot of endings: relationships, careers, losing your home, old beliefs? When times are in midst of changing, we often feel overwhelm, disoriented, frustrated, angry or withdrawn and depressed, so how does that relate to happiness and fun, you ask?

Let’s start by exploring what possibly could be going on based on the relevance of a numerological 9 year, how this can initate change and one way you can support yourself through the potential turmoil.

So what does a “9 year” mean in numerology?

A 9-year is all about ending of a cycle. It means that it is an opportune time to complete unfinished business, reach conclusions and tie up loose ends. It’s a great time to get rid of clutter in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.   It’s a time to let go, shed beliefs that no longer serve you, habits that no longer support your growth and move on from all forms of relationships which have become toxic.

This can be a time of intense change on all levels but for some people, it can be a walk in the park. In my case, it’s a hurricane. And that too shall pass….as every season demonstrate and as Heraclitus said, “the only thing that is constant is change”

There’s always two sides to an experience

Sounds ominous, no, it’s a time of expansion and transformation – Some of us have had a roller-coaster of a ride emotionally and so many of my clients are experiencing changes in careers, relationships and their own way of living. This can be a confusing time and may make you feel unbalanced yet it can also be liberating, self-empowering and healing, it’s how you look at it.

And it is in the choice we make and within the perception filter we decide to see the changes through, will be if we are also able to see the many gifts of understanding, gratitude, happiness and even, joy! For for each ending, there is a new beginning, a time of renewal and planting of seeds – for a life that we truly desire and deserve.

This doesnt mean that change can be experienced easily, so I often use essential ols to support this process. The oils work on many levels: physical, emotional and energetic and a beautiful “self-care” tool  I can easily bring into my day, while navigating through times of change.

My approach has been:

Step 1 – Keeping your aura clean is like having a shower

First step EVER – make sure your aura is clean every day, add it to your hygiene routine. One of the oils I use is called Purify. This is a Cleansing Blend (DoTerra Essential Oil) and is my go-to Aura cleaner.

It supports the body to release any emotional or negative attachments. Purify helps shift feelings of being stuck or trapped.   Spray this in your home as a room spray and to clear your aura or just put a couple of drops neat on your hands and rub together and massage your aura like having a shower.

It is also great to diffuse whilst meditating to facilitate emotional breakthroughs.

Step 2 – Essential oils which support life’s challenges?

As essential oils support all our layers of being, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. I have so much fun experimenting with all the different essential oils. These are my favourites when any challenges and changes happened.

They could be used aromatically (diffuser), in water and/or topically depending on oil.

  • Basil – oil of renewal – its okay to change, to move forward
  • Cypress – oil of motion and flow
  • Intune – Focus blend – oil of presence – living and speaking from the heart and body
  • Tea Tree (Melaleuca) – oil of energetic
  • Wild Orange – oil of abundance and gratitude

Step 3 – Supporting yourself energetically through transformation

Some of the challenges may be deeply rooted, emotional traumas and old patterns which go back generations. This is when we get out the big guns and the above blend may not be as supportive as I need.

A powerful blend I have created to support specifically what I was going through on every level and facilitate healing at the same time, is as follows. Take 30 drops of each and place into a roll-on:

  • Arborvitae – oil of divine grace – trust in the flow, flexibility
  • Frankincense – oil of truth – unmasks the lies we tell ourselves, our deceptions and negativity
  • White Fir – oil of generational healing
  • Geranium – oil of love and trust – heals the heart

Every situation is different, change can be experienced on many levels and layers and can feel earth shattering, so by no means do I want to appear dismissive of anyone’s experience.

I have always felt a great deal of support through times of change when I bring in a level of self care.

Being kind to myself with a belief that with the endings (and change) there also lies an invitation to bring more happiness, fun and joy into my life, and it is ultimately my choice on how I want to navigate through it….as for every season there is a time to shed, plant, grow and blossom, and every aspect of the cycle has its important role to play.
tania-sloan-newTania Sloan, owner of Stepping into Self is totally passionate about meditation, working with essential oils (nature’s pharmacy), essences (spirit’s pharmacy) and incorporating them into all aspects of life and business, constantly creating unique blends to represent people’s businesses and lives.

If you would like to know more about how DoTerra essential oils can support changes and challenges in your life or to obtain your own personal blend please contact or visit her website.



Emotions & Essential Oils – A Modern Resource for Healing; Emotional Reference Guide, Fourth Edition

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