Open Your Heart Through The Flower of Life

Christmas is a season that invites us to become aware of all that life has to celebrate and expand our sense of gratitude. Denise Jarvie shares insights on sacred geometry and how the symbol of the Flower of Life will support you to open your heart to unconditional love and gratitude.

When I set about on my path of healing my life, I yearned for a tool I could connect with every day for inspiration and comfort. This “asking” led to the creation of The Flower of Life card deck. When I connect with the Flower of Life symbol, it tingles at my third eye and my heart prompting a combination of my heart and mind that creates intuitive wisdom. Within this intuitive wisdom is the voice of my higher self also known as Astar and this is where the words flowed from that are on the cards.

The Flower of Life is a symbol that represents the process of creation. It is made up of overlapping circles that are an outward expression of the first circle. Just like ideas drop into our mind that have us creating something new in our lives, something stirred within the consciousness of the first circle that sparked it to become more. It has been found throughout many civilizations, cultures, philosophies and religions. It is said to be about 6000 years old, but no one really knows.

The Flower of Life is also known as a symbol of sacred geometry. This means that contained within it are perfect mathematical equations that point and prompt us in the way of creation. We don’t have to know what these equations are; we just have to connect with the symbol if it feels right to do so. This focus will take you on a journey to the centre of your deepest self and back out into the world with an expanded feeling of who you are. You and the Universe are one; there is no difference between the inner and the outer and to truly know the self, is to know the nature of everything.

flower of life cardsTo me, the Flower of Life symbol is a geometric metaphor for the unfolding process of nature. The images on the cards are the way that the flower of life manifests in our physical world. Nature is unconditional love, what does that mean? It means it holds no judgement about anything, it allows and accepts, knowing all occurs to bring balance where potential can be fulfilled. Nature in its universal wisdom also knows being out of balance is needed for evolution and expansion so that balance and realisation can occur.

The beautiful images reflect the energy of nature, it does not need anything from you and creates a space where you can find your way back to full alignment with you, in other words, be in unconditional love. From this place you can create whatever you desire, you can unfold and blossom your flower of life. Your capacity to love, create and fulfil your potential will expand, inspiring others to create their hearts desires. This heals and helps others more than you can imagine. I share my work as a way to assist all to find their truth, for us all to feel empowered by our creative nature.
