The Joy of Christmas

When thinking back on my childhood, I can vividly recall the joy of Christmas Day with my family, where the excitement of opening presents, coupled with the inevitable long lunch was heavenly.

Soon enough, the afternoon sun would beckon and we’d be drawn outside: running under the sprinkler shrieking with delight while feeling the hot summer sun on our skin; and afterwards, when we were tired, laying on the grass watching the clouds drift slowly by.

Those childhood days of pure bliss and pure joy, those days where nothing else mattered, these are the moments I think of, when I need to bring myself back into a state of joy and gratitude for the life around me.

With age came wisdom and self-reflection, allowing me to see when those joyous moments started to dwindle, becoming less and less. Life got in the way and took them, like a thief in the dark hours of the night, and the worrying thing is: I didn’t even notice.

Let’s fast forward a few years, well, quite a few. I was in my early forties and those who have passed over were openly visiting me, so I decide to visit a medium. Here’s the thing: I thought, I was just going for a reading, but no, it turns out to be a lesson in living life and more importantly, living it with love and gratitude.

Naturally, my grandmothers came through first and then, my father. Looking back they all had the same thing to say to me about their life, and how they wanted me to understand the importance of living my own life, to its fullest. No regrets, no should haves. Just live it and live it well. So here’s a few snippets:

Grandmother:   I love you and I’m sorry I couldn’t show it. Don’t wait to show those around you how much you love them.

Grandmother:   I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you. I wanted to be, but it just wasn’t the done thing. Know that I’m with you now, guiding you to a better way of doing thing.

Father:   I’m really sorry I behaved how I did. It wasn’t right and I’m truly sorry. I missed out on holidays and birthdays and I wasn’t nice. I didn’t know how to be a father, I can see that now. I wasted a lot of time and pushed people away.

Friend:  You’ve got to start living. Find that thing you love to do. Find your passion and you’ll find your life. Think of the things you used to do that made you feel alive. And, do them.

I understand now, that when one passes over, they see the whole picture and quite simply, they bring through these messages to help us to make a better life for ourselves. To learn from them. To be inspired by them.

So, from that reading, I listened and understood what they were saying, and I found my passion and surprise, surprise, I’m now a reader doing the same thing for other people. Bringing them messages to remind them they are never alone; they are certainly not forgotten; and they are to live their life as it should be lived: moment by moment and predominantly in the present, the here and now. Not in the past, nor the future and most certainly, here on Earth with family, friends and Nature by their side and love in their Heart.

As we come up to the Christmas holiday season, remember to seek out the joy of Christmas, it’s meaning and let it take you where you need to be. Take heart and remember you are not alone. We all have our Angels, Guides and loved ones who now with us in spirit, prompting us remember and share the joyous moments in our life, and most importantly, to remember those moments with gratitude.

screen-shot-2016-12-04-at-7-43-15-amMelissa Matthews is known for her skills as a Medium and Healer. During her readings and healings, she guides you through your natural Clair abilities and style of meditation to help you understand your personal method of connection. Melissa’s abilities are now coming to the forefront as she is attracting and connecting with Star Seeds, Universal beings who are incarnating in physical form on Earth. Their sole purpose is to bring in the Light and Love of the Universe and to assist Earth through this time.

Melissa offers her own perspective on the subject of Star Seeds, her personal journey and the profound sense of grounding, belonging and purpose she felt on realising who she Is. To find out more, please visit her website.