Time to Lighten Up!

In the month of September, we celebrate World Gratitude Day and we are honouring this with the launch of our annual Lighten Up Summit, starting on 19 September. Five days of inspiring videos that you can enjoy explore and experience the many ways we can embrace life.

Why Lighten Up?

We believe it is time for us to connect, allow ourselves to shine and bring our light to the world. Our community is full of people that are doing that in a variety of ways, and we invite you to take part in our online community event.

The Summit is free to access from 19 to 23 September,  and all you need to do is register to gain incredible stories, insights and tips around a variety of topics in the areas of natural health, personal development, spirituality and creativity. Listen to our introductory video.


Since 2013, the Embrace Life community has offered informative seminars, experiential meditations, sound healing and “hands on” demonstrations through local, boutique festivals throughout Sydney and regional NSW locations and has kept in touch through articles/blogs, videos and podcasts here on Gratitude Online.

The energy has continued to build with many people travelling far and wide to connect with their messages and knowledge often shared at our physical events, or by browsing their monthly updates.

The Lighten Up Summit is a collaborative effort to take our collective knowledge beyond the physical boundaries of distance. As part of our growing conscious community – connect, learn and receive wonderful insights within the comfort of your home.

Free to join, the summit will cover a wide range of topics and starts on 19 September 2016.

What to expect?

Each video allows you to hear their stories, share tips/lessons and get to know each speaker on a deeper
level while showcasing their various areas of expertise.

The videos last for 30 to 40 minutes giving you the ability to enjoy “taste-bites” of their knowledge: be it you are a conscious entrepreneur and you have now found your tribe, you are curious to what “being conscious” actually means or you are seeking for ways to take your current practice to another level, the summit will allow you to choose what topic you want to know more about (with 10 videos being released each day, and available to view a further 5 days).

Be open to receive within the summit whatever resonates and if you want to explore a little deeper, enjoy the multitude of “special offers” that have been extended.

Interact and engage with your own personal questions in our dedicated Facebook event page during the Summit. Our Lighten Up Summit is a space created for you to belong, contribute and for us all to Turn Up The Light!

And after the Summit, what next?

Our Lighten Up experts will be offering online programs at additional cost, in specific areas.

You have the ability to upgrade for 12 month access for all the videos to be at your finger tips, giving you more time to digest the content and accessing bonus videos that will not be part of the actual summit. Want to know more?

As always you are also welcomed to attend our Embrace Life festivals, invited to browse our updates on Gratitude Online, be part of our Instagram and Facebook community or become more involved as a business – there is always a way to connect with your soul tribe, in whatever way feels right for you!