Top 7 Must Have Essential Oils To Survive This Christmas

Christmas invokes mixed feelings, joy, love, family, togetherness, loneliness, depression, sadness, anxiety and overwhelm just to name a few. It’s important to look after ourselves and our families during this time so that we live and function in this world in a harmonious and mindful way.

What feelings and emotions arise for you during Christmas?

What support would you like during this time for you and your family?

Top 7 Must Have Essential Oils

  1. Holiday Joy and Gratitude®

Christmas is a time where we come together with friends and family and celebrate togetherness or a religious day. Christmas is an opportune time to reflect and show gratitude for the abundance and blessings in our lives. We begin to reflect on all the wee small things in our lives, the birds who sing their song in the morning, being able to go to the bathroom by ourselves, the sweet smile of a stranger, the farmer who grew our food.

What are the wee small things you grateful for this Christmas?

  1. White Fir

Don’t you just love the smell of fresh Christmas trees? Well this gorgeous essential oil brings the uplifting scent of fresh Christmas trees right into your home promoting relaxation whilst keeping the mind alert. You can smell it now, can’t you? Also the oil of generational healing, perfect at Christmas time when thoughts of our family, near and far, are foremost in our minds.

  1. Citrus Bliss® – Invigorating Blend

After lunch slump and you have to keep going, dad and your uncle are asleep on the lounge from eating too much. Diffuse Citrus Bliss, Invigorating Blend to be able to keep a clear head and listen to the 101 conversations going on around you. Pop some on cotton balls and hide them around the house to ward off family arguments, keeping the space harmonious.

  1. Peppermint

The oil of a Buoyant Heart – this must have pick me up is an absolute gem whether you have one drop in water to support digestion, or when it gets all too stressful and that dreaded headache is just around the corner. Perfect for those who experience depression and loneliness during this time as it may provide the strength to face emotional challenges.

  1. DigestZen® – Digestive Blend

This is the season to eat too much and fill ourselves up on yummy desserts, puddings and all things scrumptious. This tummy tamer is our BFF when we need to soothe our upset stomachs, reduce bloating and to aid digestion. Just rub 2 drops on your belly after the meal and relax.

  1. Peace® – Reassuring Blend

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed, frantic and begin to panic because everything is not done properly or something is not working the way you wanted it to, well this little gold mine, is a positive reminder you don’t have to be perfect to find peace. Keep a bottle handy when you need to reconnect with yourself and feel cool, calm and collected.

When you are feeling sad, melancholy or disconnected, breathe in Peace to promote feelings of contentment and composure.

  1. Serenity® – Restful Blend

Can’t get to sleep, the kids are going nuts and doing a mad half hour, you want everything to just calm down.…. This restful blend brings calm, tranquility and relaxation to chaos. If you are floating off into space, the vetiver and cedarwood in this blend will support your ability to stay grounded.

Meditation on Joy and Gratitude

Take a moment to breathe into your heart. Begin to imagine to think about all the wee small things you are grateful for. Allow them to come and sit in your heart space and sense or feel your heart expanding with joy and gratitude each time you add to it. When your heart is overflowing, rest in this glorious feeling of love, gratitude and joy. Allow this feeling to permeate throughout your whole body.

Sending massive bear hugs, high fives and my open heart to you this Christmas and may you be bestowed with the gift of love, joy and laughter.

Many blessings, Tania Sloan – Stepping into Self


tania-sloan-newTania Sloan, owner of Stepping into Self is totally passionate about meditation, working with essential oils (nature’s pharmacy), essences (spirit’s pharmacy) and incorporating them into all aspects of life and business, constantly creating unique blends to represent people’s businesses and lives.

If you would like to know more about how DoTerra essential oils can support changes and challenges in your life or to obtain your own personal blend please contact or visit her website.