Understanding Your Purpose

An Exercise on How to Find Your Purpose & How to Work with it!

How do you find your Purpose?

Set aside some time where you won’t be disturbed. Surround yourself with things that you Treasure. This will help you connect with your Magick, your Purpose, your ‘U’niqueness.

Maybe its a beautiful verse in a card, Crystals, essential oils or perfume, a favourite rug knitted from your Grandma, a picture of your “besty”, a shell or a family photo. Place all your treasures together making an Altar to connect with yourself. All these treasures hold high vibrations . Each treasure takes you from your head to your heart.

Remember how you felt when you found or was gifted each treasure. That Blissful vibration from each of your treasures creates more love helping you raise your frequency connecting with your Soul & your Purpose in the here and Now.


Get Comfortable and Relax

  • Light a Candle, gaze within the flame. Why? Because light attracts Light.
  • Now begin breathing in deeply, then breathe out deeply…
  • Let all thoughts of what has happened or what is to be done in your day gently leave.
  • With Intention, Ask the Angels, Masters and Loved ones who have passed, to share with you and support you as you seek your purpose. There are many ways you may receive messages.


Trust, Believe & You Will Receive

  • Maybe you will experience ‘seeing’ thoughts that just bubble up to the surface – Clairvoyant
  • Maybe some words are whispered that you ‘hear’ deeply in your mind – Clairaudient
  • A fragrance or ‘feeling’ may trigger a memory – Clairsentient
  • You may experience an awareness that you ‘just know’ something – Claircognisent

I use Flower essences, Pendulums, my own Oracle Cards and Angel cards to receive answers. Anything is possible. Your Higher Self has been waiting patiently throughout this lifetime to connect with you.

Odd things may pop up, just write them down.
At times you may think ‘What has that got to do with anything? and that’s ok. The ego will be chattering away telling you…this is silly, do you really think this to be true etc.
Yet ego has helped you just exist until now. In this moment you realise there has to be more.
No longer does “just existing” cut it!

There is a possibility that absolutely nothing will happen in order to cultivate your ability to ‘Believe to Receive.’ Be patient and gentle, maintaining openness to the many different ways you may be gifted with answers.


Now What?

Ask Questions!

For example…

  • Why am I being shown this? It is to Reignite your Soul.
  • Where is this leading? To a path of Purpose.
  • How can I incorporate this with my work or my being? Gently start Living it, blend it into your life.
  • How does this relate to me? A deeper sense of Inner Peace awakens. Your Soul Purpose discovered. Like a Light leading you through this Life. Helping the Collective.


How did I know what my purpose was?

As a Mystic, I weave. I weave, intertwine, overlap and blend. In this lifetime I am observing, questioning and collecting. For me, my purpose is PEACE.

Anything to do with violence upset me, I mean really upset me. It consumed my thoughts, saturating my being, affecting my overall wellness. I haven’t read a newspaper for years and choose not to watch the news. Some call it ignorance but for me, I call it survival.
I remember my son wanting to join the Army. I found myself in a foetal position questioning my parenting. How could anyone kill another for any reason? Under no circumstances and no argument will you convince me there can be a reason for war. I am an Empath, PEACE is my Purpose. So by now I am really quite extreme…bubbling up from deep within me are triggers. These triggers help me recognise ‘my Purpose’.

Why am I reacting like this? Because it is my PURPOSE, its getting my attention! I need to create PEACE.

So I did the exercise “Understanding your Purpose”. I did it over and over and over again…until the penny dropped. I am not picketing at the front line, but in my heart I live with PEACE. I choose to share PEACE by guiding you to recognise your ‘U’niqueness.

Cheryl Outred – Teaches Reiki & Mystical Massage Courses from Terrigal. As a Mystic, Cheryl holds space for all that walk through her doors. ‘Om Massage Mystical Healing’ blends Reiki, Massage, Essential Oils, Crystals, Sound Therapy & Oracle cards in 1 to 1 treatments.

With over 23 years experience and living her Purpose, Cheryl hopes to make a difference in her lifetime.

For more information please visit www.ommassageterrigal.com.