Unlock Your Creativity

As someone who fancies herself a creative person, I’ve spent a long time out of creation mode.

Life happens, business happens and as I welcomed stress and fear into my life, I slowly moved away from my creative self.

So when I found myself ready to start writing and creating workshops and classes I was more than stuck, I was totally frozen.  It can be difficult to tap back into our creative energy, for some, it’s a tap that we turned off a long time ago for any number of reasons, the most common being that either you or someone else convinced you that you weren’t good enough (a big fat lie!)

You might not think that you have a creative bone in your body, or you might just not see yourself as creative in say an artistic way, but I’m here to let you know that’s also a big fat lie.

As children we were all artistic creative souls, drawing, dancing, making up songs, creating imaginary worlds and we did it all with beautiful abandon, not thinking about being judged or whether or no we could do it, we just did and we did it for Joy.

So whether you’re creatively stuck, or you just want to unleash that creative child within for the Joy, here’s some great ways to get it going.

  1. Shake it up & Shake it out – Blast your favourite tunes and have a dance party, close your eyes and get lost in the movement, connect with the music! I truly believe that the spirit of creativity that birthed each song (the same goes for each painting, each poem) lives forever inside of it, so let yourself open up and connect with that energy.
  2. Just start creating – the simplest way is to get some markers and paper or some paint and just start drawing, or if you need a bit of inspiration pick up a colouring book, mindful adult colouring is a huge thing right now, but I still like to stock up on some standard kids colouring & activity books to use when I need a bit of fun and play (and I never stay inside the lines!!) Or go buy yourself a lego set and get building!
  3. Move – It doesn’t have to be a dance party, movement of any kind is really helpful, it gets the blood and oxygen pumping to your heart and brain – two key players in the creative process. For me there is something about a good yoga session that really opens me up.
  1. Get outside – If you can find yourself some nature, get there, or even just take a light stroll at sunset or under the stars, when I take time to connect and get in awe of nature and the magic all around me, it tends to stir up the magic within. You can double down with some movement and go for a run or a hike.
  1. Do something new – Find your local community centre or just search eventbrite for whats happening around you and take a class on something totally new to you – Learning something new can help to unlock that creative part of your brain.
    There are also a few really interesting skill sharing companies like Work-Shop (http://www.work-shop.com.au) where you can learn anything from hula hooping to welding.

Once you get your juices flowing who knows what will come up! Creativity isn’t just about the arts, it fires up a whole space inside us to come up with great ideas and solutions to every area in our lives.

Happy Creating!

veronica-lee-draytonVeronica is a on a mission of spreading Love, Light and Gratitude around the world. 

What started as a physical wellness journey after a health scare in 2012 has lead to a passionate and in-depth adventure into spirituality, holistic health and the mind body connections. 

A preacher and teacher of self love, she strives to empower others on their own paths to mind and body wellness. 

She has a drive for guiding others through their own exploration to finding their core desired feelings and creating a life they love through her Desire Map Workshops as well helping to reduce their physical toxic load by teaching and sharing her love for essential oils and DIY natural solutions for your home and body. 

You can connect with Veronica via her website, Instagram and Facebook.

She will also be one of our experts in the upcoming Lighten Up Summit, starting on 19 September. Register today.