You Deserve What Your Heart Desires

After many years of being unable to manifest any experiences I wanted (and many I didn’t) I realised the secret missing ingredient: You must believe you deserve what your heart desires.

You can spend endless hours visualising what you want, feeling how it would feel to have it and trusting the universe will bring it to you. But if you do not feel worthy of what your heart yearns for, you will never allow yourself to receive it.

And here is another secret I want you to know: you do deserve whatever your heart desires.

Why? Simply because your heart desires it. Your tender, precious heart knows what experiences are meant for you. With its endless capacity for love and joy, it knows far more about your greatest good than your mind ever could.

The heart does not yearn for things that are harmful to you or others the way the mind or body might. It wants whatever experiences will move you closer to the best version of yourself. The experiences that will open you, move you, expand you and make you grow. Your heart does not give long justifications as to why it wants what it wants, and it does not broadcast its desires surround sound. It simply whispers to you in quiet moments with a steady, certain “Yessss.”

Perhaps your heart desires an epic romantic love in which the passion never fades, or work that fills you with such joy that you jump out of bed on a Monday morning, or flowing financial abundance that gives you the freedom to travel the world and wake up without an alarm clock.

Okay, I’ll be honest: these are three of my biggest desires. And my mind has come up with a million different reasons as to why I can’t; shouldn’t; won’t have those things. But deep down I knew I could not keep settling for jobs, relationships, or finances that were far less than what my heart truly desired. And as my mindset began to shift to one of worthiness, my external world has quickly started shifting towards making these desires real.

So next time you feel your heart yearn for something, remember that if you really truly desire an experience from the very depth of your being, then you are meant to have it.

As Rumi says, “What you seek is seeking you.”

You do not need to be more of anything – more intelligent, more attractive, or more evolved. You are enough, exactly as you are. You are worthy of all the love, joy, adventure, comfort, connection and creativity you yearn for. All you have to do is trust your heart knows what it’s talking about when it whispers “Yesss.”