Your Precious Life: Messages From Joy, My Guardian Angel

The journey to truly understand, embrace and honour self-love and self-care has taken me through many layers of healing and awakening.  It never ceases to amaze me how many messages and lessons the Angels and my spirit team have for me and the beautiful clients that walk through my door.

As a self-described Earth Angel and empath, it’s taken me years to relearn how to live in this world, with healthy balance, boundaries, self-worth, confidence and assertiveness. You see as an Earth Angel and empath, I have always been highly sensitive to people’s emotions, energy around me and sensing someone is sad or struggling is my kryptonite!!

It’s taken me years of practice to not jump in and try to fix and rescue people all the time or resist taking on everyone’s stress. I often feel like I am in constant recovery from the “disease to please”, self-sacrifice, feeling selfish, guilty or fear of letting people down.

But a few weeks ago, in my daily morning meditation, where I call on the Angels and Spirit for wisdom and guidance, I heard the words very clearly “Your precious”. It was followed by a huge down load of Angel/goose bumps all over my body and straight into my heart. I then saw the most beautiful rose quartz coloured diamond, shining brightly behind my eyes.

My Guardian Angel, who’s name is Joy, started to lovingly lecture me about how I truly must start feeling like “My Life is Precious Too”! But not only my life, but my….feelings, emotions, body, dreams, needs, time, energy, money, skills and knowledge.

It was time to really start stepping up my act!

Joy, who is my amazingly high spirited, bubbly positive and go getting Guardian Angel, was lovingly kicking my butt and wanting me to seriously start getting real about this self love and self care message, I have been spruiking for the last 10 years.

I had never heard her be this direct and assertive before! Her usual style is, my never ending, unconditionally loving cheer squad, who cheers and praises from behind, all the time.

 She told me, “Your often going through the motions, but not always letting the true essence, energy and vibration sink in. It’s time to truly start to realise HOW precious your life truly is!” She then rattled off the list of affirmations she wanted me to start using and share with others too.

Over the last 2 weeks, she has been lovingly standing behind many of my clients too, urging me to share this message with them.

Joy then tells me to pass on the message….

“Can you imagine, if energy is everything and you truly started to see, feel and acknowledge your life daily as precious, how differently would you act? What choices would you make differently?”

So for all you beautiful Earth Angels and Empaths, who also struggle to honour YOURSELF, your life, self care and are feeling the call to shift in to the next level of awakening and vibration, I lovingly gift you these affirmations.

Make a commitment to write them and speak them everyday, even a few times a day for the next month and start observing what happens.

“My life is precious”

“I am precious”

“My dreams are precious”

“The things I like and enjoy are precious”

“My emotions and feelings are precious”

“My time is precious”

“My energy is precious”

“My health and wellbeing is precious”

“My money is precious”

“My knowledge and skills are precious”

Then always end it with a huge “thank you, thank you, thank you!”

This instantly helps shift your thoughts and energy to gratitude, love and appreciation and receptivity. Allowing Source energy and infinite possibilities, wisdom, guidance and love to flow. Embrace and let that pure loving energy flow for me for as long as possible. It’s truly a Devine experience, where you can start to feel the warm embrace of Devine unconditional love and the Angels.

There may be a lot of resistance or uncomfortable feelings going on at first, but that is just an indication of how far out of alignment you are! Just allow, receive, breathe and believe.

AlisonFor further help, guidance and support Alison will be co-hosting a beautiful 2 hour workshop with Carrera Jones, from Yoga with CJ, Receive, Breathe, Believe” on  Sunday 13th November, 11am – 1 pm at Wise Food Café, Avoca Beach. 

Bookings can be made online.

You can also book an intuitive reading with Alison at our upcoming Northern Beaches Embrace Life festival on Sunday 26th November and delve deeper in her 4 week, online course, Essential Guide for Earth Angels and Empaths.